Branding & fine art photography

Inspire. Connect. Grow. Thrive.

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!””

Well Hi there! I'm Christina!

I am the everything behind "Christina Miller Photography." I am a single, homeschooling, Jesus loving mom of four amazing little humans. My life consists of being teacher, chef, therapist, chauffeur, nurse, and so much more. I drink way too much coffee (I am trying to fix that...), I love ALL things lavender (seriously...I love it in ice cream, coffee, tea...not just soaps and cleaners), I have permanent dark circles under my eyes (I am only half joking...), and I am a super big klutz (I regularly run into open doors, walk into doorways, trip on my own feet...I could go on...)

I am here for you! I am here to help all moms, dads, single parents, parents of special needs kiddos, Jesus lovers, homeschooling families, small business owners. I am here to work with you, to build your business, to build your brand, and to build a better life for yourself and your family, so you can rise up and thrive !